DCF Partnership Prevention
Programs & Training
Human Trafficking and Prevention Program Trainings for DCF-contracted providers only. Please see details below.

Introductory Training Options:
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking 101: Overview & Prevention
This full-day training, delivered by the Child Wellness Institute (ChildWIN), provides an overview of human trafficking in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). This training includes information about the scope of commercial sexual exploitation in the U.S., risk factors for exploitation, indicators for identifying victims, state and national resources, and prevention strategies.
Stay tuned for future trainings! Check back here or on ChildWIN’s website.
Curriculum Training Options:
My Life My Choice Prevention Curriculum Facilitator Training
This two-day training, delivered by the Child Wellness Institute (ChildWIN) in partnership with My Life My Choice, provides you with everything you need to facilitate this 10-session psychoeducational prevention program for girls between ages 12-18 that are at disproportionate risk of commercial sexual exploitation. The My Life My Choice Prevention Curriculum is evidence-informed and proven effective in reducing the risk of commercial sexual exploitation. It was also the first comprehensive, survivor-led prevention curriculum in the country. This nationally-acclaimed curriculum aims to change girls’ attitudes and perceptions of the commercial sex industry, as well as build self-esteem and personal empowerment.
Upcoming training: November 30th-December 1st, 2021 via Zoom – Click here to download the training flyer, or Click here to apply !
To learn more about My Life My Choice, visit their website at www.mylifemychoice.org.