Prevent Child Abuse-NJ Partners with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital to Educate Community Members on Ending Human Trafficking

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ – FEBRUARY 3, 2016 – On January 27th, Prevent Child Abuse-NJ, in collaboration with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and other partners, hosted the third in a series of community forums:  “Human Trafficking Let’s Make This the End of the Road” Part III.   This session coincided with Human Trafficking Awareness Month, observed nationally each January. 

More than 100 people were in attendance.  The evening featured a keynote address by Tony Talbott, Chair of Abolition Ohio Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition.  Attendees participated in workshops for Healthcare Professionals, Law Enforcement, Social Services, Educators and Community Advocates.  A  Survivor Panel was also featured.

PCA-NJ Senior Vice President Gina Hernandez stated, “In addition highlighting how to detect human trafficking, we showcased ways we can all work to prevent human trafficking of children in NJ.  It was great to see the passion and commitment from the community as we all work to end human trafficking in our state.”

PCA-NJ is the statewide leader for two nationally acclaimed human trafficking prevention programs that educate girls and boys about the dangers of commercial sexual exploitation:  My Life, My Choice and Empowering Young Men.

Please visit for more information about the series.


Prevent Child Abuse-New Jersey was founded in 1979 and is the only statewide organization dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect in all forms for all New Jersey children.  In 2015, the nonprofit served tens of thousands of children and families throughout the 21 counties of New Jersey.  PCA-NJ envisions a world where every child has a great childhood: safe, happy and healthy, free of abuse and neglect.  For more information, please visit or call 732-246-8060.